Seiterhof GmbH
Seiterweg 2
8971 Schladming
Phone: +43 3687 61615
Mobil: +43 664 200 80 55
E-Mail: nfstrhttt
VAT-No.: ATU69924308
Affiliated Chamber of Commerce: Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark
Section: hospitality, gastronomy
Type of business: Hospitality, in the restaurant mode
Company Register No: FN439108 y
Company registry jurisdiction: Landesgericht Leoben
Inspectorate according to EC laws: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Liezen
Legal form: limited liability company
Managing director: Markus Reiter
A-8962 Gröbming
Archiv Seiterhütte; ©Herbert Raffalt; ©Jürgen Manfred Pröll
All information about privacy you can find here.